The Sports Rabbi Presentation brings Israeli Sports abroad to all ages as a way to create a bond between modern day Israel and Judaism. This is done by engaging in two way sports talk with a fully interactive presentation to groups of children, Bar/Bat Mitzvah families, youth and adults in Israel and around the world. Sharing stories about Israeli athletes, sports clubs and the colorful history of Israeli sports at local synagogues, schools and Jewish community centers will keep the participants at the edge of their seats for a thrilling experience.
Presentation topics include:
– Theodor Herzl at the Zionist Conference in Basel
– HaTikvah the Israeli National Anthem
– Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook the first chief Rabbi of Palestine’s view on sports
– The first Jewish sports clubs Maccabi and Hapoel
– The Holocaust connection
– Israel at the Olympics
– Modern day Israeli sports and heroes
– Hebrew sports songs and cheers

The Sports Rabbi Project gives underprivileged Israeli youth the opportunity to participate in after school sports activities through formal and informal avenues along with continuing to promote the love of Israel through sports.
To find out more please contact The Sports Rabbi